In ASCAPAP2023, all the presentations (except plenary lecture and symposium) will be held in poster sessions. Poster board is 90cm x 210cm (wide x height). We will prepare the pins, and we will ask the speaker to pin the poster on the board. Please put up the poster during the posting period and remove the poster during the removal period. Any posters kept after the removal period will be discarded.
If the COVID-19 situation allows, we expect the presenters to stand in front of the posters during the designated time slot and answer the questions from audiences. However, depending on the COVID-19 infection situation, the discussion time may be canceled and the only the posters are going to be exhibited. Therefore, please include the presenter’s email address in the poster and program booklet so that the presenters can receive and respond to questions from audiences.
The organizing committee of ASCAPAP2023 will award several poster presentations in Kyoto. Best poster award will be announced at the poster presentation venue on-site at 1pm on May 28th, 2023, and the award winners will receive the certificate and souvenirs.
If you are interested in poster session, please send us the email with the English abstract in Word format (about 300-400words) by February 14th, 2023. Please make the email subject “Poster Proposal” and send it to[a] (please change [a] to @). Once we receive the email, we will contact you within 3 days. If you do not hear back from us, there is a possibility of reception error, so please contact us again without an attachment file. Scientific committee will choose the proposal, and we will notify you the result by February 28th, 2023.
Abstract should include the information below:
The title:
Presenter (all):
Please write the name and the email address of co-responding author.
Abstract (about 300-400 words):
Please include ethical considerations (including institutional review board approval) in the abstract. Please also include information of conflict of interest (COI) at the end of the abstract (this information does not count toward the word limit. It will be included in the program booklet).